Friday, October 30, 2020

National Insecurity and a modest proposal.

    Many Americans belive that the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, and other parts of government may not have acting in the best interest of the people, rather rationalizing tilting the game towards more monied interests than the average person.  Our enforcement, judicial, and intelligence apparatus has gotten away from us and  needs remediation. 

   When the army of Cassius ran from the army of Spartacus a punishment called decimation was employed. The army in goups of ten drew lots, the odd man out was eliminated by the others in a brutal fashion. This would be unacceptable in the world today. 

   Our President was elected being famous for this catchphrase "You're fired" from " The Apprentice" series. Why not use the talent we have for at least a couple of months try and mitigate the issue. Bad behavior and corruption aren't things instantly banished from humans. 

    People like Donald John Trump learn to suppress the worst and bring out the best in people in order to accomplish goals. We saw this in New Jersey when unions tried to expand their hold on Trump's casinos.  Unions like H.E.R.E local 54 that were mob linked. Trump's employees largely voted against unionizing and a famous and disruptive wildcat strike missed his properties. 

    President Trump uses the carrot and the stick in ways that often astonish or even upset others. We should beg him to unleash his organizational skills on our various corrupted agencies. What the hell do we have to lose? 

     Your writer was a security guard on a Trump property in New Jersey. We voted to pass on unionizing, The organizer that worked among us was basiclly nullified with kindness. Nobody was mistreated, the managers and supervisors just pampered the agitator.  Making his protestations appear less than reasoned. 

    A year later, your respondent had to fire Trump plaza to get to blackjack table. When Donald Trump's proparties were magically missed by a wildcat strike I was at Harrah's. Worked one shift in a bow tie, then overtime in a chef's jacket. Got to cross a picket line in a chef's jacket. Memories. 

  Now we have seen a national crisis with a crippling of the engine of our society, our economy.  Once again, state allied with Trump are doing better in recovery. Could it be time to let our Chief Executive apply his no nonsense management style to our defelict alphabet agencies? 

   Can we afford not to right this wrong especially in light of our current situation? 


photo from file photo

  My vote is yes. Regardless of the outcome of the election, our president is our president until January 20. Mr. Trump can build a hotel in less time. Orange Man Bad can certainly do some of his famout house cleaning in that time frame. Dare we dream for another four years? 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Two decades with the Bidens


    The above video is humorous and arguably an accurate description of what the DNC is doing. Using the name recognition of Joe Biden to get their candidate past the populist President Trump. 

  Joe Biden needs our pity and mercy more than he needs our animosity and ridicule.    

Joe Biden is on his last legs. We will all be there someday if we live long enough. Joe is there now. 

I have a lot of reasons to hate this man. When I got into Delaware Politics in 2012, Joe dropped some "Deliveance" references due to my father Ned Beatty's role as Bobby in that film.

  His political machine destroyed the lives of three good men I know personally. Two had hung juries on baseless charges and were retried. One plead out to a lesser charge and ended his political career, another fought until his charges were dropped with prejuduce and is rebuilding his academic career. 

  The third man had his law license suspended, did six months for a first offense of marijuana posession and relaunched his career after a difficult comeback. His California license is still good, and he has been on a high profile case recently. Made at least one prime time television appearance. 

    Troubling allegations of lynchings in Delaware are muted by the Biden machine. Here are some incidents limited to the city of Dover. 
  This victim's brother is a friend and was my neighbor for years: 

   Delaware is so corrupt that new arrivals from New Jersey and New York are typically shocked at what they find in the small wonder. Not surprisingly, there is a media black out on negative stories in Delaware writ large. 

  I arrived in Delaware in August of 2001, and left March 10, 2020.  It was an intersting two decades. 

 For a time I had an afternoon drive show on Fox Affiliate WGMD, Rehoboth Beach. I'm not a conservative, but the audience loved me for the most part. Rush would talk about 'thugs' in Ferguson Mo .from noon until three and I would come on at three talk to people on the ground in Ferguson. 

  I did a simulcast with Brother Ellsworth Johnson Bey of Balitmore. My elder bought time on WOLB Sunday afternoons and we simulcast to the inner city audience in Baltimore and the largely conservative audience in Sussex County Delaware.  That show was well recieved. 

  When Ayo Kimathe made headlines getting fired from DHS I got an exclusive with him for a riveting two hour interview with call ins.  Again, Rush talked about the man, I talked to him.

   Eventually the Biden machine caught up with me and the station fired me without cause. The station was owned by a former CBS correspondent. 

  Your humble respondent paid a heavy price in terms of health and wealth for his activism. Barely made it out of Delaware with my few posessions in a U-haul and no money.  

  Still, I feel pity for Joe Biden. Dementia is no joke, he lost a young son to brain cancer. His surviving son is not a decent human by any account. He has done horrible things to many people and is arguably a virulent racist. 
   Today he's a sick old man being used by a machine he built to conquer one of the most powerful offices in the world and all the political plums that go with it.  With mercy even for my enemies I would wish him spending his sunset years at his beach house in Rehoboth with his grandchildren, family and friends. 

   What is being done to him is possibly elder abuse even if he signed up for it.  

Your blogger is not a religious or pious person, but believes in the redemption of man and God's mercy for those who seek it. 

  I sincerely hope that Joe finds that mercy, and peace.  

In a perfect world, this would occur after he loses his bid for our nation's highest office. Since we live in this world I have to trust in Providence and carry on.



Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Waking up is hard to do.

 For my lifetime America has been writ large comfortably numb. The opiate of propaganda has kept us in our nullified state. The new medium, the internet is more of a conversation than a one way flow of information from corporations to consumers who obediantly swallowed programming and crapped cash. 
  More and more people are rejecting the important messages from those who  bring us important messages from their sponsors. 
   What is the cost of waking up? 

  Largely due to population centers, a majority of Americans seem to be still asleep. Believing everything the alphabet networks tell them. 

  Apparently enough people in 'flyover' country rejected the mainstream media and gave the all important electorial votes to President Trump. 

  Not about to let that slide, the mainstream media and it's followers and apparently the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other government agencies have participated in a resistance to overturn the will of the American People. Secure in their advantage of the popular vote and ignorant of civics slightly more than half of America declared war on the other half at Donald John Trump's inauguration. 

   Now we have a legitimate civil war on our hands, people being shot and beaten in the streets, mobs taking over cities at night for months on end, and a fourth estate openly hostile to objective reporting and unabashedly biased attempting to control the election. 

  Politics has become a zero sum game, with many players viewing therestofus as cannon fodder. 

  I'm not sure Representative Ocasio-Cortez would feel the same way if she were still a bartender.  

   Can't get too mad at her for saying publicly what was obviously being discussed behind closed doors in many states. 

    Where the good old days really that good? Or were we just unaware of how we were being manipulated? Arguably power structures have become more powerful and more obtrusive. 

     Still, the enhanced access to information and a diversity of opinions as opposed to the standard party line has to have an effect, your humble blogger would argue that this is what we are seeing now. 

     We were comfortably numb for much of the age of technology. Some still are numb with the opiate of mainstream programming and propaganda. Enough people have opened their eyes and hearts to cause a problem. 

    The fight won't be easy, and it won't be over quickly. Your humble respondent would submit that we have no choice but to resolve this divide the best way we can. How else can we proceed? 
  Waking up is hard to do. Then again what are our options? #Onward.  Stay awake, stay vigilant, and do what you can to continue the great awakening. 

Thanks for reading. Have a blessed day. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The elephant in the room

     The American Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and other branches of government have been compromised and the result is deeply injurious to our country. 

   Let's review the background to get to the elephant in the room: 

 On October 14. 2020 America's oldest newspaper, The New York Post, published an article on Joe Biden's corruption based on emails from son Hunter Biden's laptop. The laptop had been left at a Delaware computer repair shop and not picked up. 
   The shop owner then took posession of the laptop and the contents alarmed the repairman sufficiently to contact the FBI.  Reportedly the computer equipement was turned over to the FBI by the shop owner in December 2019. 
   Despite the laptop containing information relevant to the impeachment of President Donald Trump, the FBI remained silent. 
   According to multiple sources, the laptop also contained child pornography and possible evidence of sex crimes by Hunter Biden. 
   The shop owner became fearful for his safety and gave a mirror of the drives to Rudy Gulliani's attorney. 
America's mayor reviewed the material and reportedly contacted Fox News, who declined to run the story. 
   Former Mayor Gulliani then contacted the New York Post who published the story. 
 Big tech censored the story, suspending FaceBook and Twitter accounts and blocking the story from its users. 
   All of this has been widely discussed on multiple platforns despite the attempts at censorship. 

  Many netizens, including some influencers and blue check mark types on twitter have questioned the lack of action by the FBI. Both during the initial impeachment as they knew the dossier was fake, and after receiving the laptop which arguably proved that Joe Biden had done exactly what Donald Trump was accused of. 

  This brings us to the elephant in the room. The FBI is visibly compromised.  Many have called for the firing of director Christopher Wray. ( photo from Wikipedia ) 


   Many have wondered out loud and in print as to why President Trump hasn't simply fired Director Wray. 
Clearly there is probably cause to indict former Vice President BIden, Hunter Biden, and possibly others. 

  Multiple sources report that the hard drive contains videos of Hunter Biden engaging in lewd and unlawful acts with minors. To the extent that the images cannot be published due to laws restricting child pornogrphy. 
    After having this information for ten months, the FBI is investigating the possibility of "Russian Disinformation" in connection with the laptop that Hunter Biden signed a repair order on, then never picked up from the shop. The direnctor of National Intelligence has already definitively stated that there is no indication of Russian disinformation in connection with the files on Hunter Biden's laptop. 

   Perhaps President Trump is aware that 'cutting off the head of the snake" by firing Wray will be of limited value. Director Wray could not orchestrate this cover up without support from the highest to the lowest levels of the agency. 

   G. Gordon Liddy warned us about integrity issues at the FBI during his service.  Liddy served from 1957 to 1962 with the FBI.  Now 89 years old, Mr. Liddy has lived to see his warning from his autobiography "Will" validated. My personal belief would be that Liddy would have been happier to see the situation corrected. 

    Not only the FBI, but the CIA and NSA appear to be asleep at the wheel here. How could they stand down when Ukraine, China, Iran and other nations were buying "E" tickets in a pay to play scheme involving the executive branch? 

   None of that really matters, the why of it. The elephant in the room now becomes: 
What do we do about it? Where do we go from here? 

   Your humble respondent has but two suggestions. 
    1. Expose to the light of day these critical failures of our justice, enforcement, and intelligence agencies. 
    2. Though the heavens may fall, let justice be done. 

Thanks for reading. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

#douggiestyle and the decline civilization 10/10/2020

   #douggiestyle began in October 2012. Running as in independent for the state house representatives seat in my district participating in a 'candidates night' in the truly amazing state of Delaware. Small Wonder. 
   The esteemed candidates talked about everything from being in Vietnam, to kicking in people's doors in the war on drugs, to puppies. 

   Cut the two minutes to 90 seconds and closed with "remember in November to send me on over to Dover because it's been a while since they had it #douggiestyle" and that was quote of the night in the next local edition of the "Dover Post". 
 Your respondent be considered a journalist by any standard, including the modern one that says you have to schill for donkeys or elephants. Here is my journal. 

 On the Turning Away. Great song by Pink Floyd and maybe just for loony old boomers and apt description of what is continuing to happen to civilization. The Pax Romana is tenous. 

  The Peace of Rome wasn't just fee or even considered normal. It was something that was won with laws and order. Modern people have a clue to the concept becuase in two thousand years we still haven't come up with better bullshit. 

    The society that some of us have been privileged to experience, sheltered from some of the other ways of life in our nation, is declining. 

    We fucked up. 

  Naturally after VietNam and the turnoil and exposing of inequity and injustice we wanted to do better. We wanted to change. 
   Change is what we got. We didn't change enough to get what we wanted. No war, everybody treated equally. 

   Welcome to world that is still increasingly polluted, always at war, and anything but a place of equity.  

   In Vino Veritas and our president drinks diet coke.  His opponent has had kids on coke after voting on and promoting laws that got people of color locked up at alarming rates, the highest in the world. 

  Whether we love or hate number forty five there must be a way to live without Trump because all of us are temporary residents on this rock before we must be composted in some fashion. 

   Now as elections near, we can see the turning away. Pitched battle in media, on the streets with people being shot for driving the CHOP or wearing the wrong hat, or being armed and detaining a motorist in the middle of the street. 

   People at each other's throats over politics, spectacle. Eventually bread and circuses witll return in some form, and we will presumabely go back to sleep? Doesn't matter what you believe in, somebody is pushing your buttons.

  Or is this the great awakening? 

    Your respondent doesn't pretend to know. We are turning away from compassion, dignity, and what made America great the more we tried to achieve it. Treating each other respectfully. 

  We are turning away from decency. 

  The recent decline in many places around the globe reflects this. The turning away. We all know the way out. Will we take it?