For my lifetime America has been writ large comfortably numb. The opiate of propaganda has kept us in our nullified state. The new medium, the internet is more of a conversation than a one way flow of information from corporations to consumers who obediantly swallowed programming and crapped cash.
More and more people are rejecting the important messages from those who bring us important messages from their sponsors.
What is the cost of waking up?
Largely due to population centers, a majority of Americans seem to be still asleep. Believing everything the alphabet networks tell them.
Apparently enough people in 'flyover' country rejected the mainstream media and gave the all important electorial votes to President Trump.
Not about to let that slide, the mainstream media and it's followers and apparently the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other government agencies have participated in a resistance to overturn the will of the American People. Secure in their advantage of the popular vote and ignorant of civics slightly more than half of America declared war on the other half at Donald John Trump's inauguration.
Now we have a legitimate civil war on our hands, people being shot and beaten in the streets, mobs taking over cities at night for months on end, and a fourth estate openly hostile to objective reporting and unabashedly biased attempting to control the election.
Politics has become a zero sum game, with many players viewing therestofus as cannon fodder.
Can't get too mad at her for saying publicly what was obviously being discussed behind closed doors in many states.
Where the good old days really that good? Or were we just unaware of how we were being manipulated? Arguably power structures have become more powerful and more obtrusive.
Still, the enhanced access to information and a diversity of opinions as opposed to the standard party line has to have an effect, your humble blogger would argue that this is what we are seeing now.
We were comfortably numb for much of the age of technology. Some still are numb with the opiate of mainstream programming and propaganda. Enough people have opened their eyes and hearts to cause a problem.
The fight won't be easy, and it won't be over quickly. Your humble respondent would submit that we have no choice but to resolve this divide the best way we can. How else can we proceed?
Waking up is hard to do. Then again what are our options? #Onward. Stay awake, stay vigilant, and do what you can to continue the great awakening.
Thanks for reading. Have a blessed day.
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